Our Founder

About May Samali

May Samali is the Founder and CEO of Human Leadership Lab.  As a coach, facilitator, researcher, speaker and investor, May wears multiple hats to unlock leadership potential in organisations, teams and individuals.

Based between Australia and the US, May is a dynamic professional who has navigated career pivots across diverse industries and geographies. Her journey embodies adaptability, bravery and compassion, which are the principles on which Human Leadership Lab was founded.

Building, operating and leading global teams

Most recently, May served as CEO of Ventures at the High Resolves Group, where she led global cross-functional teams and technology ventures in the education sector. She was also the first employee at Urban Innovation Fund, a Silicon Valley-based venture capital firm. May’s early experiences as a people manager and startup investor sparked her fascination for developing leadership mindsets and skills in teams and individuals. 

Leadership and coach training from top institutions

May is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach and holds a Professional Certified Coach credential from the International Coaching Federation. May’s work is grounded in frameworks from the Co-Active Training Institute, Conscious Leadership Group, Leadership Circle and Positive Intelligence. May has a Master in Public Policy from Harvard University where she studied as a Gleitsman Leadership Fellow and Australian John Monash Scholar. She also holds first class degrees in Law and Economics from the University of Sydney.

Expertise in leadership and entrepreneurship

May is a Fellow at the Institute of Coaching at Harvard Medical School and a Senior Industry Fellow at RMIT University's Centre for Future Skills and Workforce Transformation. She is also a Venture Partner at 77 Partners and NextGen Venture Partners. Additionally, May sits on John Monash Foundation’s Leadership Academy Advisory Board and Investible’s Climate Tech Fund Advisory Panel. Her insights have been featured in reputable publications including TechCrunch, Forbes, VentureBeat, the Australian and the Stanford Social Innovation Review.




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